Thursday, 23 June 2011

The beginnings

So, thanks to the inspiration of my wonderful little sister, Janine, I've decided to start my own blog. I love writing, as I find it to be a really helpful form of mental processing. I'm not one of those people that process well by just thinking. There's just too much running around at the same time in my head and I get so side tracked. Being ADD doesn't help me much with that either. I'm often in the middle of trying to decide something important and then I get side tracked with some other random thought and forget where I was at.

So I find writing to be very therapeutic. I can see what I've already written when I get distracted, and read what I've written again and again if needed. Somehow it all makes sense once its down somewhere concrete.  I'm always so amazed at how much sense it makes when I read it, while in my head its all just a jumble. I feel so much relief from having something that's been in my mind for a while, OUT. Somehow, once I've written it somewhere, my brain is happy that it doesn't have to try keep it all inside my head all the time. 

So this is the beginnigs. I'll see how things go as to how much I write. I'm intending to use this much more next year, when I go back to YWAM (God willing!) for another two schools. But more on that another time...

1 comment:

  1. sarah! i love that you started a blog. can't wait to read more! :)
