Sunday, 14 August 2011

The Bride - an amazing evening with God and the United Pursuit Band

This week I've had the opportunity of worshiping with the United Pursuit Band twice, on Thursday with The Deep River and on Sunday night. And what amazing times they have been! I experienced so much love from God and I just am so so excited about the amazing journey that I'm on with him and all that he has in store for me in the future! One of these is that I'm heading back to YWAM Denver next year for two training schools. The first three months I'll be doing WISE (Worship, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare and Evangelism) and the second three months I'll be doing SOW (School of Worship). I'm totally amped! But I'll write more about what led me to this point and what all it'll entail in another post...

Right now I want to write about a picture that God showed me tonight during the song "Come Away" tonight at New Life Vineyard church in Cape Town. Now to be honest I don't really think in pictures so I don't really "see" pictures for people when I pray, I more get impressions or descriptions of images in my head. I seem to think in a much more "wordy" way than many other people... but anyway. So this song is playing and it's written as a song from God to us, so I let God just sing it to me and listened and relaxed and enjoyed it.

And while I had my eyes closed I SAW a really beautiful engagement ring. It was platinum with a huge beautifully cut solitaire diamond on top. And this wasn't just any ring, it was really special! And then I noticed that it was only one out of MANY and they were moving on a kind of conveyor belt. They were so many, yet it did not take away from the incredible beautiful and worth of each ring. And I just knew they were from Jesus to his Bride, the Church.

I was expecting to next see Jesus down on one knee offering me a ring, ready to place it on my finger. But instead I saw Jesus, arms outstretched on the cross; blood pouring, streaming down from his body. He was paying the ultimate price; the price that could afford each and every one of those rings and a million more. It's the price of my heart, my soul, my love, my redemption and my eternal salvation. Because of that blood, I am his beloved, his chosen one, and part of his Bride.

"Open up your heart and let me in
Come away with me
Come away
It's never too late
It's never too late
It's not too late for you 
I have a plan for you
I have a plan
It's going to be wild,
It's going to be great
It's going to be full of me"
I look forward with great expectancy for our marriage day when the Bridegroom, Jesus, comes down to be united with his Bride, the Church; when he returns to Earth in all his fullness to make everything new and to dwell among us forever.
"Open up your heart and let me in
I am aching with love for you"
 I also recorded one of my favourite United Pursuit songs, "Waterfall", on my phone. It was too beautiful a moment for me not to keep a memory. So here it is if you're interested.